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The Lowest We Will Every Offer - Available through 2016
Our lowest price listing featuring your company within a 20 mile radius. 1,250 square miles.
Most Popular - For only $10 more you can feature your company in a 100 mile radius area.
Example Local Listings

Money back Guarantee

Our 20-mile and 100-mile featured listings come with a two month money back guarantee. You can always cancel at anytime. But if you try for two months and you decide you never want to do business with us again, we will refund up to two months of advertising. The catch is if you ever want to come back you would be required to re-pay the money.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

You can cancel at any time. No refunds are every provided, even for partial and prorated months. The only exception is if you are taking advantage of the moneyback guarantee (see above).